Creating a new project

Drupal project guidelines#

  • Make a copy of Wunder's drupal-project, and push it as a new repository within the wunderio Github organisation.
  • Setup your project:
    • Run your project locally with lando: lando start (follow local environment setup instructions at
    • Install composer dependencies with lando composer install and commit composer.lock and generated files in the web folder. If Drupal adds additional database credentials in settings.php, these should not be committed and can be discarded.
    • Install javascript dependencies with npm install and commit the package-lock.json file.
    • Install Drupal with lando drush site-install and export the default configuration with lando drush config-export.
  • Log in to CircleCI with your Github credentials, select "wunderio" and enable your project.
  • Watch your project build, the CircleCI output has a link to your deployed environment.

Frontend project guidelines#

  • Make a copy of Wunder's frontend-project, and push it as a new repository within the wunderio Github organisation.
  • Log in to CircleCI with your Github credentials and enable your project.
  • Watch your project build, the CircleCI output has a link to your deployed environment.