Encrypting sensitive configuration

Certain configuration items such as access tokens or secret keys are quite sensitive and should not be committed to the repository in plain text. Silta supports decrypting certain files during the build process.

We use openssl to encrypt files, but there are many versions available with incompatible ciphers. We therefore recommend the following process:

  • SSH into a CircleCI environment using "Rerun workflow > Rerun job with SSH" from the last build. Note that different environments might have different circleci contexts and hence - different encryption keys. Check your circleci config file for context information. You will get a command like (the actual IP and port changes for each build)

    ssh -p 64537

    If you have trouble getting in, please refer to troubleshooting.md SSH section.

  • Create your file named /tmp/secret_file.

  • Encrypt it with

    openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -in /tmp/secret_file -out /tmp/encrypted_file -pass env:SECRET_KEY

    Make sure that the -in and -out parameters are not the same, or openssl will encrypt its own output.

  • Now copy the encrypted file back to your local environment with

    scp -P 64537 path/to/file

    The port and IP should be the same as the SSH instructions. Note that -P is uppercase for scp!

    You might get an error like "subsystem request failed on channel 0 scp: Connection closed" Try to use -O as an argument, like this:

    scp -O -P 64537 path/to/file
  • Commit the encrypted file to git at the location where you want to have it.

  • In your CircleCI configuration, add following

    • Drupal chart: Add following under silta/drupal-build-deploy:
    decrypt_files: path/to/file
    • Drupal chart: If using multiple secret files separate them with a comma (space separation work but is deprecated). For example:
    decrypt_files: silta/secrets,silta/secrets-this,silta/secrets-that
    • Frontend chart: Add following under codebase-build:
    - silta/decrypt-files:
    files: path/to/file
    • path/to/file is relative to the build folder (root)
  • Your secret file can also contain an extension to the configuration in silta.yml, for example to set encrypted environment variables. To do that, add this to your drupal-build-deploy CircleCI job:

    silta_config: silta/silta.yml,silta/secrets
  • Push your code, the file will get decrypted in place at the build time. Check the CircleCI step "Decrypt secret files".

  • Your secret file can be used as it is (for example, the private key to connect to another service).

Example of secret environment variables#

Drupal chart

PAYMENT_GW_KEY: '1234567890qwertyuiop'

Frontend chart

PAYMENT_GW_KEY: '1234567890qwertyuiop'

Using a custom encryption key#

For cases where you want to have your own encryption key, you can do that with the following steps:

  • Create an environment variable in your CircleCI project. Click the gear icon on a build page > Environment variables > Add Variable. Use a name like MYPROJECT_SECRET_KEY and the value of your choice (preferably a strong key).
  • Use the same step as above, but specify the environment variable to be used as the decryption key:
    - silta/decrypt-files:
    files: path/to/file
    secret_key_env: MYPROJECT_SECRET_KEY

Decrypting existing secrets file#

Check the port and IP address by Rerunning the latest workflow in CircleCI: > Rerun job with SSH

Using the SSH port and IP address securely copy your silta/secrets file to CircleCI

scp -P 64537 silta/secrets

SSH to CircleCI using the correct port/IP you got from rerunning the job with SSH

ssh -p 64537

Run following command in CircleCI:

openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -d -in /tmp/encrypted_file -out /tmp/decrypted_file -pass env:SECRET_KEY

Check /tmp/decrypted_file or scp it back to your local using

scp -P 64537 silta/secrets_decrypted