Troubleshooting and FAQ

Deployment issues#

Q: Helm release fails due to existing resources#


kind PersistentVolume with the name "project-123--branchname-someresource" already exists in the cluster and wasn't defined in the previous release.

A: This error happens when a release that created a new resource failed. The resource that is now in the way needs to be deleted, please ask someone with direct access to the cluster to do that.

Q: Helm deployment fails with retry404 option#


[emerg] 1#1: unknown directive "echo_sleep" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/drupal.conf:292 nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "echo_sleep" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/drupal.conf:292

A: Ensure you are using an nginx version with this echo module compiled in. In silta/nginx.Dockerfile, the FROM instructive should point to one of the newer versions.

Versions available are listed here:

Note: nginx:v0.1, wunderio/drupal Docker images do not have this module.

Example: FROM wunderio/silta-nginx:1.17-v1

Issues with the deployed environments#

Q: How to connect to silta ssh?#

A: SSH connection information is available in your circleci release notes.

Q: There is no connection information in deployment’s release notes!#

A: SSH access is not enabled most likely.

Q: How to enable ssh access to project?#

A: See default values for the helm chart you are using for deployment.

Q: "Error: Connection refused" when connecting via SSH#


channel 0: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused stdio forwarding failed ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Possible causes:

  • The shell pod is not done deploying. Wait for ten seconds and try again.

  • There is no shell access in frontend chart by default, You need to enable it (shell.enabled: true) and use customized base images from

  • The environment has been downscaled to standby and has not been yet re-launched. Visit the environment URL and press the button to trigger upscaling.

Q: Timeout without error when connecting via SSH#


ssh: connect to host ssh.[cluster.domain] port 22: Operation timed out ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Possible causes:

  • SSH access is IP restricted, You are probably not logged into the VPN.
  • SSH server just got restarted, wait couple minutes and try again

Q: SSH connection asks for password or refuses connection#

Error message:

ssh www-admin@master-shell.projectname -J www-admin@ssh.[cluster.domain] www-admin@master-shell.projecname's password:

Error message 2:

channel 0: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused stdio forwarding failed kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Error message 3:

channel 0: open failed: connect failed: Name does not resolve stdio forwarding failed kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Possible causes:

  • Shell container might be in unready state. Check pod via kubectl or silta dashboard (internal tool). And ensure all pods are running. If not, wait.

  • It’s possible your public key is not added to your github profile, make sure it is;

  • You are not project contributor in github, make sure you can push commits to repo;

  • Remove all occurrences of hostname (i.e. master-shell.projectname) from ~/.ssh/known_hosts

  • If you have changed the clusterDomain value in your silta configuration file, you need to set shell.gitAuth.keyserver.url to https://keys.[cluster.domain]/api/1/git-ssh-keys. Otherwise curl in public key download script complains about broken certificate and the authentication does not work.

  • The ssh jumphost domain may be incorrect. Normally You'd get a full connection url in release notes, but if part of the domain is masked (**), don't assume it to be Actual domain replacement depends on the context (check TLDR answer for "Secret masking and **" topic).

If all above fails ask OPS team to check ssh-keyserver.

Q: SSH connection public key authentication failure#


username@X.X.X.X: Permission denied (publickey).

A: Authentication is based on your GitHub key, but there is trouble reading it. Use the key explicitly using -i [path_to_identity_file] option:

ssh X.X.X.X -i ~/.ssh/keys/wunder-github.rsa

Q: Silta website asks for password, what’s the password?#

A: Password is printed in circleci build release notes.

Q: How do i change/disable site password?#

A: Check chart default values file, nginx.basicauth section. Check silta ​examples for example snippet. Make changes in silta.yml or silta-prod.yml accordingly. You can also whitelist ip addresses to skip password request (do this with caution). Check nginx.noauthips in chart defaults.

Q: How to allow access only based on IP?#

A: There is no built-in solution for silta, but You can add custom nginx configuration snippet to achieve it.

locationExtraConfig: |
deny all;

Mariadb or Elasticsearch running out of disk space#


The table ‘XYZ’ is full

Stateful applications like MariaDB or Elasticsearch store their data in persistent data volumes. It is possible to resize (expand) those disks (only increasing storage is supported), but this is not yet integrated with the process of updating a statefulset. You can change the requested size by setting the or mariadb.master.persistence.size field in the silta.yml for the appropriate service (mariadb or elasticsearch), but You also need ops interaction to patch the statefulset:

MariaDB storage request (re-check correct values with mariadb subchart if needed):

# Database storage disk space allocation
# Request assistance from ops team after changing this on existing deployment.
size: 5Gi

Elasticsearch storage request (re-check correct values with elasticsearch subchart if needed):

# Elasticsearch storage disk space allocation
# Request assistance from ops team after changing this on existing deployment.
storage: 5Gi

If the size is less than 5Gi, set it to 5Gi. If it's 5Gi or more, double the previous value.

Due to inability to patch immutable fields in mariadb statefulset, the next build will fail unless cluster administrator runs these commands manually:

pvc="data-master-mariadb-0" # Find this with kubectl get pvc -n $namespace
kubectl patch pvc -n $namespace $pvc -p '{"spec": {"resources": {"requests": {"storage": "5Gi"}}}}'
kubectl delete statefulset -n $namespace --cascade=orphan $statefulset

NOTE: If updating pvc size you are met with error:

error: persistentvolumeclaims "xxx-xxx" could not be patched: persistentvolumeclaims "xxx-xxx" is forbidden: only dynamically provisioned pvc can be resized and the storageclass that provisions the pvc must support resize

Check that Kubernetes is running at least v1.16 and then edit the corresponding storageclass, "standard" (google kubernetes engine only) in this case:

kubectl patch storageclass standard -p '{"allowVolumeExpansion": true}'

Q: How to enable persistent storage for private files in drupal chart?#

Sometimes you'd also get error like this:

(changing permissions of 'private/': Operation not permitted)

A: There are good defaults for private files persistent storage already, You just have to enable it in silta.yml file. Check the mount defaults in chart defaults too.

Drupal chart:

enabled: true

Q: How do I enable backups?#

A: Drupal chart: search "backup" in chart values file for the answer.

A: Frontend chart: Backups can be enabled via backups.enabled: true and it will back up mounts defined at .Values.mounts. There's also an option to run custom commands during backup using services.yourservice.backup.command (see services section in chart values.yml). Keep in mind that once the container stops, the data that is not stored on a persistent storage (backed up) will disappear.

Q: How do i know backups work?#

A: Backup process is done in a dedicated pod with a specific instructions to make a backup. Check backup pod output in silta dashboard (i.e. production-backup-1590113220-n4m7p). If the pod state is Succeeded, it's good. Check the logs too, you can see the backup content and size. The pod state is kept till the next backup is started.

Q: How do i send e-mails?#

A: Check silta documentation, "Sending e-mail" section

Q: How do i create redirects?#

A: Check silta documentation, "Adding redirects" section

Q: What is the Elasticsearch host address?#

A: Elasticsearch host address is available via ELASTICSEARCH_HOST environment variable.

Q: Custom certificate is not found#


ERROR: Error: template: drupal/templates/drupal-certificate.yaml:88:31: executing "drupal/templates/drupal-certificate.yaml" at <b64enc>: invalid value; expected string

A: It's possible that You have either:

  • not defined .Values.ssl (or .Values.exposeDomainsDefaults or .Values.exposeDomains.ssl); or
  • have forgotten to provide this configuration file containing secrets to deployment (i.e. silta_config in for CircleCI Silta orb's silta/drupal-build-deploy job or --silta-config for silta ci release deploy cli command).

Q: Site keeps complaining about SSL certificate#


Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

A: The SSL certificate is broken/incorrect. There are multiple types of certificates:

  • Custom certificates. Most frequent issue is that the CA certificate is not added to the bundle. Add it both to "" and "tls.crt" fields. The order of certificates is server.crt -> intermediate.crt -> root.crt.

  • Letsencrypt-staging. Unless You don't need it specifically, change it to "letsencrypt".

  • Letsencrypt. One of possible causes, is, You added the exposeDomain long before DNS was actually changed and certificate issuer has timed out. Try to deploy the exposeDomains as close to DNS change as possible next time! Ask ops support to remove cert-manager challenge resource, so it recreates validation pod and it triggers repeated validation.

Q: Deployment fails due to misconfigured memory assignments#

Error log example #1:

Warning Failed 45s (x4 over 101s) kubelet, [node-id] Error: failed to create containerd task: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go: 349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"process_linux.go:415: setting cgroup config for procHooks process caused \\"failed to write \\\\"5\\\\" to \\\\"/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/kubepods/burstable/[pod-id]/php/memory.limit_in_bytes\\\\": write /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/kubepods/burstable/[pod-id]/php/memory.limit_in_bytes: device or resource busy\\"\"": unknown

Event log example #2

Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create containerd task: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:319: getting the final child's pid from pipe caused \"EOF\"": unknown

A: This happens due to misconfigured memory limits or requests. Most plausible cause, memory unit is "m" while it should be "M". Note: cpu resources, however, are defined with lower case "m" (millicpu). More on kubernetes resource management (and "M" vs "Mi") here:

Q: PHP FPM containers print "read-only file system" error on startup#


2021/08/20 06:22:38 [ ERROR ] Error while parsing '/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zz-custom.conf': open /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/zz-custom.conf: read-only file system

TLDR A: Can't make it go away.

A: There are customizations we need to inject into containers, but the way kubernetes works, is it only allows to map those template configuration files as read only which php does not like (complains about).There are couple ideas (hacks) in some issue queues that we tried and did not succeed, but there are few others that we might try again one day. Until then - there's that message. Related issue:

Q: How to encrypt sensitive information?#

A: Use openssl as described in silta docs in "Encrypting sensitive configuration"

Q: How to change the webroot for drupal chart?#

By default, the webroot is configured to be in /app/web. This value can be changed in the Drupal chart, see example below.

Drupal chart:

webRoot: /app/docroot

If you change this, make sure to check for any other references to /app/web or web in your project.

Some known references are:

  • public-files mount in this the Drupal chart (values.yaml file)
  • silta/nginx.Dockerfile
  • composer.json & composer.lock
  • .dockerignore
  • .gitignore
  • .lando.yml
  • grumphp.yml
  • phpcs.xml

You also need to add the following in .circleci/config.yml parameters and put your webRoot directory name as the value, for example web or docroot:

  • Add parameter web-root to silta/drupal-validate job
  • Add parameter nginx_build_context to silta/drupal-deploy-build job

How to customize container images of Silta deployments?#

Drupal chart requires 3 images by default, nginx image, php and shell image. Source Dockerfiles for the image building are located at silta/nginx.Dockerfile, silta/php.Dockerfile and silta/shell.Dockerfile by default.

Frontend chart dockerfiles depend on services You want to deploy. Normally the dockerfiles are located in silta/ directory, i.e. silta/node.Dockerfile.

These dockerfiles use specially crafted base images that provide additional libraries and tools by default. See upstream image sources at

You can install extra tools for Your project by editing dockerfiles. Let's use shell container as an example:

Content of silta/shell.Dockerfile:

# Dockerfile for the Shell container.
FROM wunderio/silta-php-shell:php7.4-v1
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data . /app
  • The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As such, a valid Dockerfile must start with a FROM instruction. The image can be any valid image – it is especially easy to start by pulling an image from the Public Repositories. In this example it uses wunderio shell image, tagged with php7.4-v0.1 tag.
  • The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from . (project's root folder, but this can be adjusted) and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path /app

If You need to copy extra files or install tools, You can add extra instructions, f.ex -

COPY --chown=bin files* /somedir/
RUN apk add wget
  • The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the next step in the Dockerfile.

See Dockerfile refrence for more instructions:

Q: How to test docker images?#

If You want to test docker images locally, You'd need to install docker or other runtime that allows running docker images. This tutorial won't list instructions for that and will assume You can run docker command (it also needs to be at least version 20.10 to be able to run alpine 3.14+ images. Related document).

Running a docker image:

docker run -it --entrypoint sh wunderio/silta-php-shell:php7.4-v1

This will download shell image and run a shell inside it. Typing exit will quit and stop the container.

This also allows running other images like nginx:

# running official nginx image from
docker run -p 8080:80 nginx

This way You can also run silta images, as long as You have access to image repository. See "How to run silta image locally" for instructions.

If You want to test your customized dockerfile, You need to build the image and run it

# Build image and tag it with `shell_test_build` tag
docker build -t shell_test_build -f silta/shell.Dockerfile .
# Run tagged image and and exec into it with `sh` shell
docker run -it --entrypoint sh shell_test_build
# Remove test image
docker image rm shell_test_build

More about running docker images via docker cli at "Docker Command-line reference"

Q: How to run Silta images locally?#

TLDR: You can run those images locally, but there are missing resources (storage mounts, environment variables, secrets) that are only available in the cluster. You can still run containers and debug node applications if You have to.

If You want to run some silta image locally for debugging or other purpose, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure You have access to kubernetes cluster.

  2. Get the docker image URL for the container You are need to run using kubectl:

    $ kubectl get deployments -o wide -n drupal-project-k8s
    master-drupal 1/1 1 1 448d php,nginx[gcp-project]/drupal-project-k8s-php:v5-76e9f99eb3c4293fa14184b546bc1af980ea3760,[gcp-project]/drupal-project-k8s-nginx:v5-bef5cba1137eaaa73a986bad07221bbab3ae5ca2 app=drupal,deployment=drupal,release=master
    master-shell 1/1 1 1 448d shell[gcp-project]/drupal-project-k8s-shell:v6-3879d81221f34e79ff8674efca539c8d7410dd0a app=drupal,release=master,service=shell
    • drupal-project-k8s is kubernetes namespace, in Silta it's also a project name.
    • master-drupal is drupal pod of master branch deployment
    • master-drupal pod contains two containers, nginx and drupal. These containers are using two images (see "IMAGES" column). See Google Kubernetes Engine Pod documentation if you need to grasp the "Pod" concept. Pod resource is not GKE exclusive, this documentation applies to all kubernetes clusters.
    • master-shell is a shell pod for master branch deployment.
  3. Make sure You have image pull access. Try pulling it:

    docker pull[gcp-project]/drupal-project-k8s-shell:v6-3879d81221f34e79ff8674efca539c8d7410dd0a
  4. Run Silta shell image:

    docker run -it --entrypoint sh[gcp-project]/drupal-project-k8s-shell:v6-3879d81221f34e79ff8674efca539c8d7410dd0a
    • You can't run nginx image properly in local environment because silta mounts resources (storage, secrets, environment variables) that are only available in the cluster
    • There will be some resources (mounts) missing in shell container (i.e. no content in sites/default/files) and some environment variables missing.

Q: CloudFront responses with 502 Bad Gateway#

It may be because of CDN using https origin request and Silta is not providing a valid certificate request.

You must verify that given domain has a verified certificate and is mapped correctly in the certificate under SubjectName and/or CommonName.

Assuming your:

  • exposedDomain index domain name is cloudfront
  • namepsace: my-project
  • branch is develop may inspect your certificate with following command:

kubectl get develop-tls-cloudfront -n my-project -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"]' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text

In certificate details, confirm that domain matches your CDN domain:

Subject: CN =

Otherwise you might need to delete TLS secret and restart the verification process.

Please read more about configuring CDN

Q: Drupal is generating wrong URLs with CDN#

You may not be properly forwarding your Host header to the origin requests.

Drupal will pickup the scheme and hostname properly from request headers. If these are not properly forwarded, Drupal wont be able to initialize those and generate URLs properly.

Please read more about configuring CDN