Key components


All of our code is stored in Github within our organisation. All project-specific infrastructure configuration is versioned in Git. We provide a default templates for Drupal projects, Customized services (Originally frontend project) and Static pages, but any Docker-compatible application is supported.


CircleCI is a cloud-based CI solution that integrates with Github. One of the great features is the possibility to use your own builder images, we use our own called circleci-builder.

We use CircleCi to check the repository for errors, build the codebase, build custom docker images, push them to the registry and deploy a release of our Helm chart. The build process is based on a config file located under .circleci/config.yml in the git repository.

To perform its duties, CircleCI needs certain credentials, for example to push to the docker image registry or to interact with the Kubernetes master. These credentials are stored in a CircleCI Contexts and are available to any repository in our Github organisation.

See CircleCI context variable requirements for Silta deployments in docs: Silta CircleCI Context.


Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform supported by all major cloud hosting providers.


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. We published our own chart repository: The chart is referenced from the CircleCI configuration, and each repository can also override the default values to adapt the configuration.